Call meeting to order: 9:08am
Introductions: Amy Mitchell, Alanna Crawford, Webb Smith, Dennis Springer, Dave Gottenborg Ashley Boyington, Kailee Edwards, Deb Reuter, John Woodward, Elizabeth Woodward, Tracy Rautenkranz
Approval of the agenda: Approved by Amy Mitchell, seconded by Dennis Springer
Approval of minutes: Approved by Amy Mitchell, seconded by Dennis Springer
Approval of Treasures Report: Approved by Dennis Springer, seconded by Tracy Rautenkranz
Committee Reports
Scholarship Committee:
Federal Lands
Forest Service: Webb they are to keep in touch with CCA w/ any allotments
BLM: Wild horse issues on western slope they are struggling with numbers
State Lands: not much
Legislative: CCA supporting Parks and wildlife, trying to stop the bag tag
HPP: Next meeting has not been scheduled. Funding has been spent if new project comes in more money will be available. Meeting in May (John will let me know so I can get it out)
CLA (Colorado Livestock Association):
R-Calf: Darrel Schriber couldn’t make it. They would like to come to our annual meeting.
Mid Winter Conference: Membership engagement workshop (Alanna and Brian) day workshops. Trying to get more with social media. Met w/ Jay Stapelton for Gov. Very informative at all meetings same issues.
Catch-a-calf: John the calf that they donated got pneumonia/brisket complex had to Livestock committee got about $1000 for it. No calf this year for catch a calf at fair next year we will have another.
Old Business
Dinner & Dance: Dance was good lots of snow. Not a huge turn out but still a good time.
Scholarships: No new applicants yet. Hold out till next year?!
New Business:
Park County Fair: Alanna suggests have a booth this year at cattle auction. Show support.
Annual Meeting: Will be at the Bull Moose in Guffey at 5pm Saturday June 9th. Food will be roughly $30 per person please. After our meeting there will be a band so stay a while and have some fun.
CCA: May 15th ranch tour in Sadaila Alanna will get a flyer out must RSVP. Tuesday 1-7 steak dinner included must pre-purchase tickets. Get with Alanna for any more information.
Discussion Items:
Next Meeting –
June 9th Bull Moose, Guffey, CO 5pm
Oct. 6th
Dec. 1st
Park County Sherriff speakers:
Monte Gore, Steve Spodyak, John Tighe, Tom McGraw, Gary Rhodes
Meeting adjourned
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