Call meeting to order: 9:17am
Approval of the agenda: Approved by Tracy Rautenkrantz seconded by Dennis Springer
Approval of prior minutes: Table minutes till they go out and get reviewed at next meeting. Approved by Tracy Rautenkrantz, seconded by Dennis Springer.
Approval of Treasures Report: Approved by Dennis Springer seconded by Tracy Rautenkrantz
Committee Reports
Scholarship Committee: Try to get flyers out to get some seniors in for the scholarship, instead of one person let’s work together as a group. Sherriff Tom McGraw wants to do a scholarship and maybe join forces get our scholarship info out to get more kids interested. Let’s try to hit it from the college side to come back to the high schoolers.
Federal Lands
Forest Service: Webb Smith tough year due to drought. Recreation on Badger Flats is crazy Webb Smith wants to get with Forest service and meet out there to talk maybe come up with some options.
BLM: Nothing to report
State Lands: No change Brand and theft on federal lands each ranger district does not cross over and they don’t always know. Brand and Theft Chris Whitney of the State wants to meet with the Sheriffs of the county to have a one on one and get brand inspection savvy. New brand inspectors in Park County are and Colby Stone and Denae. We should put them on the website under Resources page extension agents .
Legislative: Brian Crawford says that there is a lot of talk about the candidates for governor.
HPP : John Woodward says they are looking for projects for fencing going thru now on any lands. Water, Fencing privet to public get both parties included. Mitigate elk on land and fix fences that the elk break down.
Old Business
Beef Drawing- Only take as many tickets that you know you will sell. IF you need more pick them up at Hitchin’ Post. Cut and wrapped Ricks or Crippen’s Processing.
Catch-a-calf- Steve would like to purchase another calf from cattlemen to sell again this year. Catch an animal committee will not receive unless everything/everyone meets all 4-H requirements. The Crawfords were disheartened due to what happened to last catch-a-calf, it got brisket. The Crawfords are concerned about committee members and the participant who gets animal takes care or at least reaches out if they do not know how to care for animal. Dennis Springer will sell a calf for this year. Purchase will be in CCCA name still.
Dance- Instead of doing a dance in February lets do it in June have our meeting and then dance the evening away. Options are to maybe have it at the Lake George community park either June 1st or 8th Feedback will be appreciated.
New Business:
Discussion Items:
Beef quality assurance- We need to do training again and update. This will be a couple of hours we will try to have it at the Florissant Grange. Stay tuned for time and place confirmation.
Sheriff Tom McGraw came by and spoke. He said the sheriff’s office is down 8 deputies. New deputies will get a pay raise and more are interested in working in Park County. Sheriff McGraw wants to work more of the recreation areas next summer and when fire bans are on the sheriff and deputies will go out on patrol and hand out tickets. He wants to have heavier patrol for fires and trash. Another topic is the Animal control for Park county, it would be nice if they got some cattle experience and have more interaction with brand inspector. This will help when the cattle get out. Sheriff McGraw said there will be weekend help from animal control so much happens on the weekend need more resources.
He said there are 4 they will be on call at night and will work one weekend and alternate.
Any ideas please let sheriff office know.
2% sales tax coming up in Nov emergency services, fire dept. sheriff office, can only be spent for specific agencies but not to road but must go thru commissioners to be approved.
Next Meeting –
TBD meetings December 1st
March 2nd in Hartsel
June Lake George Community park?
Meeting adjourned – 11:05 Approved by Dennis Springer, seconded by Tracy Rautenkrantz
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