CCCA Meeting Agenda
October 7, 2017
Shawnee, Colorado
Call meeting to order: 9:18am Alanna Crawford
Introductions: Ashley Boyington, Alanna Crawford, Brian Crawford, Webb Smith, Denis Springer, Elizabeth Woodward, John Woodward, Todd Inglee
Approval of the agenda: Motion to approve agenda by Webb Smith seconded by Denis Springer
Approval of minutes: Motion Brian Crawford seconded by John Woodward
Approval of Treasures Report: Motion to approve Treasurer Report Denis Springer seconded by John Woodward
Committee Reports
Scholarship Committee (Webb, Steve Theresa, Britt on Scholarship committee)
Webb Smith wants to have some of the board to talk to the schools to get some interest. Push for scholarship availability to kids even if in different counties. Park county schools WP, CC Pine Canyon, Fairplay, Platte Canyon, Conifer Evergreen. Could we be added to the scholarship list at colleges like CSU? Meet and greet? Alanna Crawford will reach out.
Federal Lands
Forest Service: Webb Smith Grand Junction
State Lands: Todd Inglee not much to report
HPP: John Woodward stated the committee changed the parameters. Grants will go to approving projects that have nothing to do with the conflicts.
Old Business:
Park County Fair: 3 days we were there but it went well. Cow pie bingo went pretty good and made $200
Beef Tickets: Dec. 2nd is the deadline for selling.
Independent Cattle Growers: Sent check Deb Reuter said they will come talk at next meeting. Webb Smith mentioned that someone from R-Calf needs to show up and talk.
State Fair (Disaster Liaison): Denis Springer spoke about trying to get help for the people with the fires or anyone who needs help Theresa Springer is the CCCA disaster liaison. Call her if you need assistance. Todd Inglee mentioned anyone who wants the liaison they would need to be trained on what to do. His local has a list of who has what someone can help with. Webb Smith wants us to make a list as well for all our members.
Catch-a-calf: John Woodward said drawing will be Oct. 16th 2017 3 steers and 3 kids. Kids will draw their steer/sponsor. Then the kids need to contact the sponsor they need to have the steer by November 13th, 2017. Encourage the kids to come to a meeting to update on how the steer is doing. Trying to get kids more involved.
Reports from annual meeting Grand Junction: Alanna Crawford and Webb Smith both attended. Meeting was really good. Forest Service had some head butting with BLM.
State Lands have gotten outrageous in price.
New Business:
Dinner / Dance: Alanna Crawford encourage new members. Webb Smith likes the Cultural Center Feb. 10th or Feb. 17th Motion to do a dinner and dance Denis Springer Seconded by Brian Crawford and John Woodward. Webb Smith make sure we are on the marquee. See if other associations can send out invites to the dinner / dance. Alanna will see if her grandpa can DJ.
Future meeting schedule:
Dec. 2nd Florissant Grange 9am
Feb. 10th or Feb. 17th Dinner, dance and meeting all in one
April 7th Fairplay
June 9th tentative
Oct. 6th
Dec. 1st
Webb Smith wants a ranch tour then go to a restaurant.
Motion to approve future meeting schedule Denis Springer Seconded by Ashley Boyington
Discussion Items:
Todd Inglee CCA President 2017-2018
Todd spoke about who the CCA is and how it came about. The CCA was formed in 1867. CCA is all done by volunteers. Todd was able to go to Korea and Japan to see how they run their associations. “We are feeding the world” Inglee said. US beef is overseas and they can’t get enough. It is truly appreciated by foreign countries. Market growth outside US is 96% more potential growth outside US. Japan brings more value for US beef exports. Huge market potential over seas. They love USDA Beef. Issues ahead: Water endangered species
Affiliate engagement, service fee structure change
Next Meeting – December 2nd, 2017 at the Florissant Grange. Meeting will be at 9am
Meeting adjourned: Motion Denis Springer seconded by John Woodward
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