CCCA Meeting Agenda
(March 28, 2020), moved to April 18, 2020
Virtual meeting (Hartsel) Colorado
Call meeting to order: 09:00 Recorded by Kayla @ CCA, Thank you Kayla for helping set the virtual meeting today.
Approval of the agenda: No edits. M: Theresa, 2nd Dennis: Aye
Approval of minutes: M: Dennis, 2nd Theresa: Aye
Correspondences: Catch-a Calf Letter post marked 3/28/2020 to be e-mailed with today’s minutes; newsletter from Independent Cattlegrowers – no news to share
Approval of Treasures Report: not sent to Catherine or Theresa for this meeting, Will get and send out with the minutes of today. Attached is Treasurer Report as of May 10, 2020
Committee Reports
Scholarship Committee: Theresa, has feelers out for people to be committee members, applications due May. Aiming to have new committee determine scholarship awards by graduations in mid-May
NEED more committee members to hold for discussions of awards
FORM a new committee
Would like to consider the “Online” classes taken due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Federal Lands
Forest Service: No news
BLM: No news
State Lands: No news
Legislative: CARES Act – Some fellow AG folks are seeing some relief payments already but we are not currently sure of the details for those.
CCA is currently investigating the packers for profit/price manipulation and corruption. We hope to have more details to share on this for the annual meeting about the impacts on producers.
Some talk of FEMA having funds to assist in ranching help.
HPP: Fiscal year starts again July 1, 2020
Old Business: under discussion items
New Business: under discussion items
Discussion Items:
- Springer Scholarship:
Daigen Springer: wasn’t paid for fall 2019 semester, has now been sent to the school,
- 2020 Scholarships: meeting in May for awarding discussion,
- M-Theresa, 2nd-Tracy, AYE, for formation for new committee on scholarships for 2020. Review/discuss in May for $750.00 annually. Theresa to find members.
- Bills: as of Jan. meeting we had approx. $150.00 in general acct. Not enough to cover current bills.
- Post Office Box: $56.00 year, no 501C discount: Must keep bill
- Scholarship funds were used to pay CCA dues of $250.00 “refundable” if in good standing at end of year. CCA intends to not return the funds but rather keep the “refund” towards the next years due rather than pass checks back and forth. Must keep bill.
- R-Calf is not as friendly or pro-CCCA right now enough to warrant paying for membership, voted in February not to pay.
- Independent Cattle Growers: postpone membership until we can afford it again or decide to end our affiliation; voted not to pay. M-Theresa, 2nd Dennis; Passed Not to pay.
- Website: Website $250.00 bill was paid by Hitchin Post for annual domain registration, discussion of not having the funds in our general account to pay for a professionally managed website. Discussion included the sustainability of a member covering the bills, and the possibility of having a student/job corp./or volunteer to maintain or teach a member to maintain a website.
We can use the CCA website free of charge and have our own attached page from their site, and they also have other discounted platform ideas we can use. Decision to cancel/close the current website to happen at annual meeting. M-Dennis , 2nd Tracy: Aye
- Annual Meeting: due to COVID-19, we will have a more casual meeting without a dance, auction, or formal dinner. Agenda will be kept to a few short critical 2020 decision items up for vote followed by a member social for some fun and togetherness.
Current Proposed Plan:
When: JUNE 27, 2020 Saturday
Where: Fairplay Park, Hartsel Park – TBD, private ranch (somewhere outside, with bathrooms, easy prep of hot meal/grill items
Food: potluck, grill
Agenda topics: bylaws and constitution: review for clarification and updates, officers, scholarships, website
- Fair: CCCA not participating this year,
Catch Calf: ?? happening, checking with John Woodward
Bucket Calf: COVID19 dependent; possible for future years as well
- Wolf Information Event: on hold off until COVID-19 allows a gathering to happen; CCA will be partnering; hoping to spread community awareness
- Fundraising: Dance/Dinner and Silent Auction were not as profitable as expected and more effort than members seem up for this year, want to try more simple approach such ideas as: Pie Auctions, 50/50 raffle, Chili Challenges, at local events such as Burrow Days, Florissant Days, Hartsel Days, Bailey Days, etc. Other ideas are always welcome.
General account: will be focus of this years fundraising
Scholarships: Maybe write letters to a business/organization for donations to scholarships/account
- Membership: pursue/introduce at a social/community event then get to join as formally/paid members as to not bog down new interest with our general business meetings
Dues due: first meeting of year, (Jan or Feb), paid members please join our Facebook Group as a member, if you have not yet paid for 2020 please send your dues to Deb/PO Box ASAP
Facebook/ Newsletter: work on generating interest and communications by sharing some crazy story, favorite picture, Commissioner questions
Encourage the COMMERCIAL memberships- determine a due structure for them as we do have some non-cattle interest for membership/participation. We could also use this to become more established in our community. One proposal is: 25.00 first year, 50 second+ year: Or: try for 50 every year, amount can be varied: Catherine and Theresa to compose a letter to send out and a membership certificate.
Sub committee to determine $ for tiered membership
Congratulations Amy!
Next Meeting – Annual Meeting JUNE 27, 2020
Meeting adjourned: 10:50 am.
Virtual Meeting attended by: Catherine R., Kayla (CCA), Jill S., Dennis S., Theresa S., Tracy R.
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