Call meeting to order: 3:11 pm by President Alanna Crawford. 9 members in attendance.
Approval of the agenda:
- Tracy Rautenkranz motioned to approved agenda with updates seconded by Catherine Rautenkranz. Update agenda to correct location Lake George, add Erin Kerney as guest speaker, Election and Catch-a-calf
- Approval of minutes:
Tracy Rautenkranz motioned to approve meeting minutes from March 2, 2019 as presented, John Woodward seconded, No Discussion, all in favor of approval, Motion passed.
- Ivan Ward sent in 3 letters of an update on his Cath-a-Calf. Sent around, No other correspondences.
Approval of Treasures Report:
- General Fund Checking Account $ 00
- Scholarship Fund Checking Account $ 18,600.00
- Total Funds $ 19,400.00
John Woodward motioned to approve the Treasurer’s Report dated June 2, 2019 as presented, Catherine Rautenkranz seconded, no discussion. All in favor of approval. Motion passed.
Committee Reports
Scholarship Committee:
Federal Lands
Forest Service: Timber clean up is happening now around badger flats
BLM: No Update
State Lands: No Update
- Erin Kerney from CCA came and gave an update. There now is a “People for animal welfare commission” they are keep eyes open on animal abusers but have not come after livestock yet. #1 thing to keep an eye on is the boards and commissions, with the election coming up in 2020 they are doing clean sweeps and could effect everyone. Talk about wolf relocation commissions will have a say on this but will be voted on in 2020. Kate Greenburg is the Colorado Commissioner of Ag. She is new, was with the Young Farmer Colliation. She does work for Gov. Polis but willing to learn and help. Also if you ever have any questions Erin says reach out there is a lot of things going on behind the scenes they just can’t get it all out.
- John Woodward says fiscal year is coming to an end at the end of June. So if you have any projects get them in and done now. As of now looks like they will have to give 10K back due to not enough projects. HPP helps out with water and fencing projects. Stipulations you must own at least 160 acres and must meets the goals of CPW. If you qualify you can get $350 once per year for ranchers and farmers.
CLA (Colorado Livestock Association)
Old Business
- Dinner and Dance after meeting on June 2, 2019. DJ will be there just before 5pm
- Read by President Alanna Crawford. Daigen Springer would like to apply for the scholarship. Daigen is going to attend Garden City Community College where he will study criminal justice and play football. He then wants to become part of the Colorado State Patrol.
- Tracy Rautenkranz motioned to approve Daigen for a $500 scholarship eventho it’s not Ag related his family is ranchers and his goals are tremendous, we would just want him to be able to apply again CCCA would like to hear from him Mid-Year Amy Mitchell seconded, No Discussion, All in favor of approval. Motion passed.
New Business:
Park County Fair
- Fair is July 17th-21st this year. John Woodward is going to see if he can help find someone to donate a Catch-A-Calf. Also at fair do we want a banner to be hung up cost $250 – Tabled
- Election for new officers:
Officer Nominations: Webb Smith nominated himself for President, Catherine Rautenkranz nominated herself for Vice President, Ashley Boyington nominated herself to continue as Secretary, Ashley Boyington nominated Deb Reuter to continue as Treasure. Motion to approve nominations by Amy Mitchell, Tracy Rautenkranz seconded, No Discussion, All in favor of approval, Motion passed.
Officer Elections
President –Webb Smith
Vice President – Catherine Rautenkranz
Secretary – Ashley Boyington
Treasure – Deb Reuter
Discussion Items: N/A
Next Meeting –
- October 5th High Line Café Hartsel, CO 9am
- December 7th Fairplay TBD 9am
- February 15th Shaggy Sheep Shawnee, CO 9am
Meeting adjourned 4:46pm by New President Webb Smith
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