Meeting called to order at 7:25PM by President Webb Smith. 15 members signed the attendance sheet and 8 guests were present.
Elizabeth Harrison motioned to approve the agenda as presented, Cody Ebele seconded, No Discussion. All in favor of approval. Motion Passed.
Cody Ebele motioned to approve the meeting minutes from May 2, 2015 as presented, Elizabeth Harrison seconded, No Discussion. All in favor of approval. Motion passed
- The May letter from our Catch A Calf recipient Coix Gemmer was passed around for everyone to read.
Treasurer Report
- General Fund Checking Account $ 2,047.37
- Scholarship Fund Checking Account $ 20,343.97
- Total Funds $ 22,391.34
Ernie Snare motioned to approve the Treasurer’s Report dated June 6, 2015 as presented, Alanna Snare seconded, no discussion. All in favor of approval. Motion passed.
Guest Speaker
- Our first guest speaker was Nita Howard with the Colorado Beef Council. She gave an update on the beef Council:
- They are no longer mailing out newsletters, they have moved to social media. You can still access the newsletter on the website and you can sign up for an email version of it.
- There is a beef running team, to be able to participate on the team the runners have to learn about beef.
- Colorado Beef Grant – Provides money to schools for education on cooking with beef.
- They are no longer actively participating in 9 Health Fairs since they met their goal of bringing nutrition to the forefront. Their material is still used but is being presented by nutritionist and dieticians.
- Producer Profile on Facebook – They are looking for ranchers to write about their families, operation and history to put on Facebook. The public want to know about the ranchers, please submit these.
- Our second guest speaker was Devin Murnin, CCA Director of Industry. He gave the following updates:
- Touched on some great articles and information in the CattleGuard.
- Final rule was published on the “Clean Water Act”, it is unknown when it will take effect but may be tied up in the court system for a time.
- He was asked about a possible regulation being put in effect to not allow water usage under free river. He will look into this
Committee Reports
- Scholarship Committee – Steve Allard no updates
- Federal Lands
- Forest Service – Webb Smith reported that there are still issues on leases with shooting and vehicles off trail. Steve Allard had an issue on one of his leases. Park County Sheriff’s Office should be going out with issues even on Federal Land.
- BLM – None
- State Lands – None
- Legislative – Commissioners looking at putting a ballot issue to eliminate term issues.
- HPP – Next meeting July 1, 2015 starting at the Fairplay USFS Office, then will be touring project sites. A lot of the money is spent on federal lands, they would like more money spent on private land, ranchers please submit projects that need funding.
Old Business
Booth at the Park County Fair – Elizabeth Woodward reported that she contacted the Colorado Beef Council and they are unable to attend fairs but will supply materials for us to hand out. She will send out emails with information and the schedule, please sign up if you can help.
CCCA Website – Deborah Reuter reported that the domain has been established. Please send pictures of your ranch and cattle. They would also like pictures of member’s brands. If you can get a picture of the brand on the animal please do so. They would like to have the website up in July. Jordan Davis introduced herself; she is the person that is setting up the website.
CCA Annual Conference – June 15 to 17, please attend if you can. Roundtable at the Colorado State Fair is August 31.
CCCA Stock Brand – Have not heard back on the application.
Catch A Calf – It was discussed if the Association still wants to sponsor a Catch A Calf. Alanna Snare motioned to continue sponsoring a calf, with the CCCA paying half the fair market value and the rancher donating the remainder, Deborah Reuter seconded no additional discussion. All in favor of approval. Motion passed. Rebecca Smith’s name was drawn to supply the calf.
Nominating Committee – Steve Allard reported that the committee decided to nominate the current offices back to their offices.
New Business
Election of New Officers – No nomination were given from the floor. The current slate of officers will remain for the next year.
Discussion Items
Alanna Snare invited members to attend the Teller County Fair, it is held the last week of July, with the Livestock Auction on August 1st.
Deb Lester discussed the October 3rd meeting, it will include some educational components, some of the topics may include Heifer Replacement and Nutrition, Calving Problems and Beef Quality Assurance. There will be coffee and donuts for breakfast and a catered lunch. Cost of the day to be determined, the cost will just be to cover the food. The meeting will start at 0900 followed by the educational workshops. This meeting will be held at the fairgrounds.
The next meeting will be our held on Saturday October 3, 2015 at the Fairgrounds in Fairplay, CO starting at 0900.
John Woodward motioned to adjourn the meeting, Deborah Reuter seconded. All in favor, Motion Passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:18PM.
Members who signed the attendance sheet:
Steve Allard
Cody Ebele
Elizabeth Harrison
Dave Harvey
Lark Harvey
Deb Lester
Joanne Mills
Deborah Reuter
Jill Smith
Webb Smith
Alanna Snare
Ernie Snare
Elizabeth Woodward
John Woodward
Guest who signed the attendance sheet:
Devin Murnin, CCCA
Brian Crawford
Carolyn Gold
Nita Howard, Colorado Beef Council
Dan W Rich
Josinn Escaeds
Todd Elworthy
Jordan Davis
1 Guest did not sign in
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