Meeting called to order at 9:20AM by President Webb Smith. 9 members signed the attendance sheet and 2 guests were present.
Steve Allard motioned to approve the amended agenda with the following additions, Tracy Rautenkranz seconded, No Discussion. All in favor of approval. Motion Passed.
Add under new business-
Voting for SE Quarter Rep
Pay dues to CCA, RCalf, ICG
Steve Allard motioned to approve the meeting minutes from April 2, 2016 as presented, Tracy Rautenkranz seconded, No Discussion. All in favor of approval. Motion passed
- A letter from our Catch A Calf Recipient, Ellie Woodward was passed around.
Treasurer Report
- General Fund Checking Account $ 2,482.37
- Scholarship Fund Checking Account $ 20,012.49
- Total Funds $ 22,414.86
Tracy Rautenkranz motioned to approve the Treasurer’s Report dated May 7, 2016 as presented, Dave Harvey seconded, no discussion. All in favor of approval. Motion passed.
Committee Reports
- Scholarship Committee – The committee met on Wednesday April 20th to look at applications. The final applicants will be invited to the June meeting.
- Federal Lands –
- Forest Service – Steve Allard reported that in the Independent Cattle Growers Newsletter had an article regarding a law that is being proposed to help protect private land owners who border federal land .
- BLM – No Update
- State Lands – No Update
- Legislative – No Update
- HPP – Conference call meeting May 9, 2016.
Old Business
CCCA Website – Deborah Reuter asked for more pictures. Website address is Minutes from past meetings and scholarship info is on there.
Drawing – Deborah Reuter updated us on the drawing. Need to sell 300 tickets to break even.
New Business
Park County Fair Booth – Elizabeth will get with the Park Cty Fair rep for a booth. We will need to have members commit to help at the booth.
South East Quarter Rep – Steve Jolly from the Fremont Cattleman’s Association was nominated. He is the only nomination at this time.
South West Quarter Rep – There are several nominations including the current person in that position. Out of our 9 members present 2 voted for Mark Levalley, 6 for Al Heaton and 0 for Roy Oliver and 1 member abstained.
CCA Dues – We do not have to pay dues this year since our membership with them has increased.
R-Calf – Dave Harvey motioned to pay the annual dues to R-Calf, Steve Allard seconded, no further discussion. Motion passed.
Independent Cattle Growers Association – Steve Allard motioned to pay the annual dues to ICG, Dave Harvey seconded, no further discussion. 1 person was opposed. Motion passed.
Discussion Items
Past CCA President Bill Gray and his wife Debbie’s home was destroyed by a fire. Dave Harvey motioned to donate $250.00 to them, Deborah Reuter seconded, no further discussion. Motion passed.
Guest Speakers
Linda James is running for County Commissioner on the Republican ticket. She gave a brief overview of her involvement for the community. She asked for our consideration to vote for her.
Dave Wissel spoke about how the agricultural property taxes have changed.
Dr. Frank Garry – Gave a presentation on Johnes Disease.
The next meeting (our annual meeting) will be held on Saturday June 4, 2016 in Lake George, CO.
Deb Lester motioned to adjourn the meeting, Deborah Reuter seconded. All in favor. Motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 10:54AM.
Members who signed the attendance sheet:
Steve Allard
Dave Harvey
Tracy Rautenkranz
Deborah Reuter
Jill Smith
Webb Smith
Dennis Springer
Elizabeth Woodward
Guest who signed the attendance sheet:
Lynda James
Dave Wissel
Dr. Frank Garry
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