Meeting called to order at 9:13AM by President Webb Smith. 12 members signed the attendance sheet and 3 guests were present.
Pledge and moment of silence.
Deborah Reuter motioned to approve the agenda with additions, Dave Harvey seconded, No Discussion. All in favor of approval. Motion Passed.
- Under Old Business – add using Association funds to pay for Educational Seminar and associated food.
- Under New Business – add Nomination of Kenny Burk for Brand Inspector of the Year.
John Woodward motioned to approve the annual meeting minutes from June 6, 2015 as presented, Deborah Reuter seconded, No Discussion. All in favor of approval. Motion passed
- Brian Hodshire was severely injured from an incident with a horse, a card was sent around for the membership to sign.
Treasurer Report
- General Fund Checking Account $ 1,892.37
- Scholarship Fund Checking Account $ 18,964.07
- Total Funds $ 20,856.44
Dave Harvey motioned to approve the Treasurer’s Report dated October 3, 2015 as presented, John Woodward seconded, no discussion. All in favor of approval. Motion passed.
Committee Reports
- Scholarship Committee –no updates
- Federal Lands – Is was discussed at the CCA Committee Meeting in Pueblo to have the Forest Service relay information to CCA when forest service permits become available.
- Forest Service – Webb Smith reported that
- BLM – Looking for a person from the Agricultural area to sit on a committee. Contact Heidi at CCA if you are interested.
- State Lands – No Update
- Legislative – No Update
- HPP – If you have any projects please see Webb Smith, Steve Allard or John Woodward. All projects need to be completed with all bill submitted and paid prior to June 30, 2016.
Old Business
Webb Smith brought up using the funds from the Scholarship Account to pay for the educational seminar today including the associated food; it is equal to 10.00 per person. John Woodward motioned for the Association to pay the $10.00 registration fee, Dennis Springer seconded, No Discussion. All in favor of approval. Motion passed
Booth at the Park County Fair – Elizabeth Woodward reported that Elizabeth Harrison and Cody Ebele manned the booth for portions of Friday, Saturday and Sunday. They handed out information on beef, the association and sold ice cream, water and Gatorade. The booth brought in $86.00 for the Association. The food and beverages sold were donated the Association, so there was no expense.
CCCA Website – Deborah Reuter asked that members send in more photos. She also stated that they would put dates of the future meeting on the website.
CCA Annual Conference – Great information from the presenters.
CCCA Stock Brand – The Association has received the deed for the 3C brand, the assessment fee has been paid through January 1, 2017.
Catch A Calf – The child that will have the CCCA’s calf will need to pick it up sometime between November 1st and November 21st.
New Business
Winter Dance and Dinner Fundraiser – Webb Smith stated that the Association use to host a dance and dinner as a fundraiser. Webb looked into what it would cost: The Cultural Center in Woodland Park is $54.00 per hour for the space, $22.00 per hour for the bar plus 1 hour. The DJ is $100.00 per hour up to 4 hours, then $50.00 an hour. For this to be feasible we need to find businesses to sponsor this event. With the cost we would look at doing the dance with no dinner. It would also discussed to have a silent auction during the dance. Hitchin Post will do a $250.00 sponsorship toward the event. They are looking at a date after January 1st. Dave Harvey motioned for a committee to move forward with this and that the committee has the ability to cancel the event if necessary, Tracy Rautenkranz seconded, No Discussion. All in favor of approval. Motion passed
Nomination of Brand Inspector of the year – Webb Smith would like for Kenney Burk to be nominated for Brand Inspector of the Year, he is going to ask Alanna Snare to write the nomination, she has known him since her 4H years.
Discussion Items
CCA encourages all affiliate members to join CCA.
If you are a NCBA member please make sure to send your ballots in by October 16th.
The next meeting will be our held on Saturday December 12, 2015 in Hartsel, CO at the Highline Café and Saloon starting at 0900.
The schedule for the next year was also set:
- February 6, 2016 at the Kenosha Café in Grant
- April 2, 2016 at Lake George Pizza in Lake George
- May 7, 2016 at South Park Bowl in Fairplay
- June – Annual Meeting Date and Location TBD
- October 1, 2016 at South Park Bowl in Fairplay
- December 10, 2016 at the Highline Café and Saloon in Hartsel
Guest Speakers
Our guest speakers were Aaron Tattersall and Denise Tortorella with the Silveus Insurance Group for Rangeland Insurance. They presented information on PRF (Pasture, Rangeland and Forge) Insurance, also known as Drought Insurance.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:50AM.
The Educational Seminar followed the meeting.
Members who signed the attendance sheet:
John Everest
Dave Harvey
Deb Lester
Danielle Pettee
Catherine Rautenkranz
Tommie Rautenkranz
Tracy Rautenkranz
Deborah Reuter
Webb Smith
Dennis Springer
Elizabeth Woodward
John Woodward
Guest in attendance:
Becky Rayburn
Aaron Tattersal, Silveus Insurance Group
Denise Tortella, Silveus Insurance Group
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