October 5, 2019
Hartsel, Colorado
Call meeting to order: 9:14 am
Pledge of allegiance: skipped
Approval of the agenda: Webb Smith scratched out scholarship idea from new business; Tracy Rautenkranz motions, Catherine Rautenkrqnz 2nd motion
Approval of minutes: no changes; motion Tracy Rautenkranz; 2nd Catherine Rautenkranz
Approval of Treasures Report: no discussion; motion Tracy Rautenkranz; 2nd Webb Smith
Correspondences: catch a calf letters passed around
Guest Speaker: Dr. Cadra Krueger beef nutritionist with Hubbard/Ranch-Way Feeds
Summary materials on weaning feeds, forage supplements, local distributors
Committee Reports
Scholarship Committee: no discussion – tabled until more attendance to discuss essay topics and requirements
Federal Lands
Forest Service: no news
BLM: no news
State Lands: pressure on state land board to get more money; public access to the land is a big push; need to get more people on the board;
Legislative: measure DD – casino ballet measure for allowing sports betting and taxing casino profits to support state water projects (CCA and farm bureau support); better with beef initiative for Polis and fake meet vs CCA
HPP: Rautenkranz’s will go to Grand Junct. In Dec to present their fence project; HPP is out of money- last spend on Weston fire damage- but more projects can be on a case by case basis
CLA (Colorado Livestock Association): symposium 9/28 in Kiowa, Webb Smith attended, good speakers, vet and equine health, certified angus is really just color based; another symposium in La Junta 10/17
R-Calf summer annual meeting; we should try to go to their meetings more to get more for our money and know whats coming at us; NCBA has a new CEO
Old Business
Beef Drawing: up some money- okay but losing love for doing this, vote at a later meeting to adjust or stop; too long between buying tickets and drawing and getting beef; getting difficult to get a donated steer; not enough bang for our selling efforts
Catch-A-Calf: Dave and Suzie Carpenter have said they will provide the current (2019) calf, we pay half MV, John Woodward will keep us informed; Rautenkranz may be able to cover fall 2020 calf if needed.
Dinner/Dance – Lake George was a good idea for pairing with the gymkhana; beef themed food truck next time, all day, CCCA advertising, so we don’t miss out on the people who left the event and didn’t return for the dance; still do dance and auction people like that
With a food truck we don’t have money out of our pocket or have to clean up.
New Business:
New “humanitarian” scholarship idea / CCCA ownership of cattle discussion – scratched by Webb Smith
Membership drive / letter to send out- membership and participation is down; focus on local area not just cattle people?; farm service agency may be able to provide a mailing list; draft letter by Dec to thank paid members for the contributions in 2019 and express desire for participation in 2020- maybe like CCCA Christmas card
Discussion Items: Webb Smith resigns as President effective immediately. Catherine Rautenkranz is now our current President.
Next Meeting –
Dec 7th Fairplay- AB can pick a place and set up reservation
Feb 1st Shaggy Sheep in Shawnee – will need to motion dates for CR
April 4th TBD
Meeting Adjourned 10:35am
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